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  • Writer's pictureThe Mischievous Librarian

Teddy Bear Picnic

The end of our library and Kindergarten bear exploration was marked by a Teddy Bear Picnic. The students brought teddy bears from home and festivities took place in the library.

The students had to complete five challenges and for every completed challenge, they received a clue to find a special treat hidden somewhere in the school.

1. Put your bears in order from biggest to smallest.

2. Graph your bears based on types/colours. Line them up!

(I love incorporating math activities into library explorations!)

3. Freeze dance to the Teddy Bear’s Picnic song by Anne Murray.

4. Touch a real bear’s fur coat.

My father in law is a hunter and we loaned us his black bear pelt for the afternoon. It was interesting to observe the students' reactions to touching real bear fur.

5. Complete the obstacle course.

Students AND their bears had to weave, hop, crawl, and run their way through the obstacle course.

Once the five challenges were complete, the classroom teachers read out the five clues which took them from the library all the way to the girls' locker room in the gym.

A clue was read each time the students found a black bear paw on the wall.

The special treat was baggies of gummy bears and teddy bear crackers, and a teddy bear book,

We took the treats back to the library and munched while listening to Marcelo Verdad's, "The Worst Teddy Ever".

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