(Original Post: October 14, 2019)

My jungle bulletin board was missing something.
So, I asked the Grade 4/5 teacher, Queen Troll, if she would be willing to make monkeys with her art class for my library. I showed her a picture of Kerri & Lindsay's "Teacher Bits and Bobs" paper bag monkeys and she said they would be done by the end of the first week of school.

On Friday, I entered the library to find this waiting for me.
It was like a scene out of WWII movie.
The carnage of monkeys was unnerving.
There wasn't just one class-worth of monkeys. Oh, no. Queen Troll had all four art classes make monkeys.
I had to find homes for 80+ monkeys.
It turned out to be a humorous adventure as I spent the next three hours spreading monkeys around the school!

They spilled over into the office and upstairs in the Amazon Pod open area.
So many monkeys!